Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I have no cool pictures.
I am currently focusing on not punching myself in the dick.
I will be very happy when I am done with this game.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

So it begins...

I'm sitting in a truck in Virginia at 4pm and we've been driving since 3:30am. 😩 We are now in our 7th state of the day... Obviously we're at the point where I decided that the best possible name for this little blog adventure would be "What did you just touch?!?"

Yesterday I was sent on a mission to get supplies for this cross country adventure. The mistake was made to send me to Target. That store always sucks me in and forces me to inspect every aisle. I'll be there for traveling snacks and next thing I know I'll be looking at nail polish and neon socks. I was strong, however, and I managed to escape with only the things on my list. One of those things was hand sanitizer. When you're exhausted decisions become so much harder... I looked at so many different options and finally decided on the kid's version only because it was named "What did you just touch?" Perfect.

Actual conversation that happened today...

Me: Everyone is so nice here (the hotel we're  staying at)! The front desk people, the people in the restaurant, everyone! I don't understand. Now I'm worried they might kill us.

P: It's because we've in the south... We've been living in the northeast for the past 4 years and forgot people can be super nice.

If there's no second post it's because he was wrong and I'm right.